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Ascension Series

Writer's picture: Aashita ShekharAashita Shekhar

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Hosting the Archangels at home

How to Host Archangels Video Link

To see the written script of the video, see below:

What Meditations to do while hosting angels

Here are the meditations you can do while hosting angels for five days to enhance your energy vibrations to a higher state, which allows for easier communications with angels. You can also do these meditations even beyond five days. Each meditation connects you to a specific angelic energy so you can develop a conscious, one-on-one relationship with the angels

Day 1:

  • Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels Prayer: Do this prayer while inviting angels into your house. If possible do this meditation every day. This is a very powerful prayer that helped me open up my spiritual gifts, and connect with angels. Positive angel affirmations can help you to consciously affect your thoughts, tap into your true potential so you can manifest what you desire in all aspects of your life. You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life. By stating these affirmations and pouring your deepest feelings in these affirmations while meditating, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra. By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels, bring your thoughts and emotions into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in reality. (You can choose to do prayer in the morning, and meditation in the evening or you can do both together)

  • 11:11 GATEWAY OPEN: GUIDED Manifestation Meditation: Surrender and manifest 1111 gateway is open. Do this meditation to step through the doors of your clear mind and open heart to step in. The 11:11 Gateway is an archetypal opening to the realms of angels. A doorway you can step through to travel on wings of love through the inner planes to can access healing, higher awareness, and expanded states of consciousness. There is another layer of the 1111 meaning spirituality, and this can be seen by viewing 11 like two pillars that create a gateway. The 11 is like a portal threshold or doorway by which you can enter. The two 11's, the two doorways are the gateway of the mind and the gateway of the heart. When you enter inward through both these doorways; clear mind and open heart… When you dive deep within, diving into the stillness, diving into the void, peace, and calm, diving into that inner state of being where pure potentiality resides, you're able to access the quantum field, the quantum realm of infinite possibility. You're able to sync and harmonize with the highest divine truth of you. From this perspective, 1111 is absolutely a manifesting number, because when you connect with pure potentiality within, you open to the highest and best possibilities of the infinite. Through this connection, there is an incredible manifestation that unfolds. You truly sync with the highest divine timeline for your awakening, for your path, embodiment, for your life. Do this manifestation meditation to attract blessings to you that are in coherence and sync with the pure potentiality of the infinite you're tuned in to. And perhaps even more powerful, you begin to remember who you really are.

Day 2:

  • Repeat the prayer. Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels Prayer: Do this prayer while inviting angels into your house. If possible do this meditation every day. This is a very powerful prayer that helped me open up my spiritual gifts, and connect with angels. Positive angel affirmations can help you to consciously affect your thoughts, tap into your true potential so you can manifest what you desire in all aspects of your life. You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life. By stating these affirmations and pouring your deepest feelings in these affirmations while meditating, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra. By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels, bring your thoughts and emotions into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in reality. (You can choose to do prayer in the morning, and meditation in the evening or you can do both together)

  • Meet your Archangels Meditation Connect with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Metatron who will guide you to tap into the power of the Earth, Sky, and Moon through meditation to manifest healing, and positive changes in your life experience. In this guided meditation you will be guided in connecting with the higher part of you, your Spirit, which is the higher part of you. Your higher self is the voice of wisdom that only you hear. This is an important part of us, to connect with our higher selves and intuition, is integral in our spiritual journey.

Day 3:

  • Repeat the prayer. Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels Prayer: Do this prayer while inviting angels into your house. If possible do this meditation every day. This is a very powerful prayer that helped me open up my spiritual gifts, and connect with angels. Positive angel affirmations can help you to consciously affect your thoughts, tap into your true potential so you can manifest what you desire in all aspects of your life. You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life. By stating these affirmations and pouring your deepest feelings in these affirmations while meditating, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra. By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels, bring your thoughts and emotions into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in reality. (You can choose to do prayer in the morning, and meditation in the evening or you can do both together)

  • Heal with Archangel Raphael Archangel Raphael is the “Healing and Harmony Angel.” Raphael means, “God heals.” He is known as the physician of the Angelic Realm. In this video, Invoke Archangel Raphael, God, Higher self, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, to assist in the healing of all types of afflictions - whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual through meditation. Archangel Raphael possesses an amazing healing power. We can also pray for him when we or our loved ones are ill. Raphael can teach us to heal ourselves and others. And he is the protector of healers, doctors, nurses and therapists. He works with Archangel Michael to clear away doubts and fears that maybe badly affecting your mental and physical health. Its energy color is green and Emerald is his stone and he is mostly portrayed in art carrying a stick that signifies healing or holding a caduceus representing professions of medicine. Archangel Raphael is known to help activate the third eye chakra and help healers develop clairvoyance for the benefit of those around them. He also helps with blindness. Invoke Archangel Raphael to help determine and apply the right treatment for your loved ones, for your clients, and helps people heal directly. Let his healing light spread through your life

Day 4:

  • Repeat the prayer. Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels Prayer: Do this prayer while inviting angels into your house. If possible do this meditation every day. This is a very powerful prayer that helped me open up my spiritual gifts, and connect with angels. Positive angel affirmations can help you to consciously affect your thoughts, tap into your true potential so you can manifest what you desire in all aspects of your life. You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life. By stating these affirmations and pouring your deepest feelings in these affirmations while meditating, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra. By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels, bring your thoughts and emotions into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in reality. (You can choose to do prayer in the morning, and meditation in the evening or you can do both together)

  • Guided Meditation: Archangel Metatron. Balance Chakras and Raise your vibration with Metatron's cube. Do this meditation to clear away lower vibrational energies, balance and activate chakras, raise your vibration, and connect to your higher self. This meditation is powerful because you will be using Archangel Metatron sacred geometry to cleanse your energies, balance chakras, and invoke Archangel Metatron to heal you physically, mentally, and spiritually. This meditation also allows you to invoke Archangel Metatron so that you can surf this new ascension wave and help you to get into this higher vibration state that is coming into the earth grid. Metatron's cube is one of the tools Metatron uses to clear away lower vibrational energies, balance and activate chakras, raise your vibration, and much, much more. Metatron's cube is a combination of sacred geometric shapes like the platonic solids, the tree of life and the flower of life. When called upon Metatron may use these shapes merged into one, or individually depending on what will most serve. When you call upon Metatron for healing and spiritual assistance, do not be surprised if you notice geometric light spiraling around your energy, and through your physical body. Metatron’s cube and sacred geometric light forms are one of the main ways he delivers healing assistance, though he has many more tools and gifts to share as well.

  • Guided Angel Therapy: Angel Healing Angel Therapy is a type of Alternative therapy, which includes a non-denominational spiritual method of healing and involves communicating and working with the guardian angels and archangels to heal various health problems including physical, mental and spiritual health. Though primarily considered as a spiritual healing therapy, Angel Therapy is also known to benefit some people by providing appropriate advice and guidance on their work, relation and life issues. Also known as Angel Healing, Angel Therapy involves healing and harmonizing using the divine help of the Angels and is believed by those who have seen or experienced the effects of angel therapy. This therapy works on trust in your omnipresent angels to heal psychological and physical issues by calling upon your angels to help heal and guide you.

Day 5:

  • Repeat the prayer. Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels Prayer: Do this prayer while inviting angels into your house. If possible do this meditation every day. This is a very powerful prayer that helped me open up my spiritual gifts, and connect with angels. Positive angel affirmations can help you to consciously affect your thoughts, tap into your true potential so you can manifest what you desire in all aspects of your life. You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life. By stating these affirmations and pouring your deepest feelings in these affirmations while meditating, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra. By repeating affirmations, you will strengthen your bond with the angels, bring your thoughts and emotions into vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in reality. (You can choose to do prayer in the morning, and meditation in the evening or you can do both together)

  • Guided Meditation: Connect, heal, release with Archangel Michael With this meditation, connect with Archangel Michael and invoke his protection to cleanse your aura, and cut etheric cords that no longer serve you. By consistently listening to this meditation… You will be, before you realize it, well on your way to a new, better and more assured you. Archangel Michael calls us to truth, integrity and power, and demands we develop and rely upon our inner knowing and the spiritual worlds. This we can achieve by stripping away all that which belongs to the old, and anything that is no longer true for us. Archangel Michael helps to:- • Feel more empowered. • Overcome any blocks in your life. • Move on from past relationships/situations • Bring a renewed feeling of strength and courage. • Speak your truth in an assertive manner. • Give you the energy to take action. • Have greater clarity in your decision making. • Be protected from negative energies. • Overcome feelings of martyrdom. • Boost your ability to manifest • Embrace the vibrational energies of strength, truth, faith, and belief General Guidelines for Meditation • Use headphones to engage your subconscious mind • Do your meditation in the morning, if possible • Do not meditate right after meal or when you are too tired • Perform this meditation daily, if possible for the best results.

  • How to call Archangel Jophiel Beautiful inspirational thoughts, we love them, that's Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel helps you to think beautiful thoughts, those thought that enable you to attract and manifest your dreams into reality.

How to Host Archangels at home

This Archangel experience has been paid forward since 2010, beginning in New York, inspired by the movie “Pay It Forward.”

In 2010, IMIRI, a German medium, experienced a visit by some unnamed chosen angels, highly placed in the angel hierarchy, for her to be inspired by the film ‘Pay it Forward.’ It has been said that by the 20th repetition the whole world could be affected, so large is the exponential function. It is the Archangels’ desire to go out and for five consecutive days, stay and work with three individuals and help them to fulfill three personal wishes. After this, each individual will send the angels on to three new individuals, who have said “YES” to receiving them. The angels will stay five days, then take a period of five days break and rest, and then continue on to the next three new hosts. A complete day is 24 hours. (Please note, nothing physical will arrive at your home other than whatever blessings the angels bring to you).

Archangel Michael Archangel Michael is a powerful Archangel of protection. He is one of the easiest Archangels to hear, and one of the most known.

His name means “One who looks like God.” He clears toxins associated with fear, assists in people’s life purpose and career path. He helps bring abundance, protection, defense, power, justice and strength to you.

Michael oversees guardian angels, and he helps you to release lower energies of fear or worry, so that you can open to experience the incredible love and light of the Angelic Realm, and live a fun, fulfilling and passionate life.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel brings good news in abundance, discerning messages received and what we give out. Messenger between Heaven and Earth. Gabriel is the Archangel of communication, new beginnings, and strength.

When called upon Gabriel will bring you inspiring divine messages to assist you in finding your highest calling. Gabriel also works closely with authors, teachers, artists, councilors and more!

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is a healer of mind, thoughts, body and soul, custodian of The Tree of Life (Kabala). God’s Physician. Archangel Raphael is the main archangel who oversees healing for living beings on Earth.

He is a well know and incredibly powerful angelic being, who is ready, willing and waiting to connect with you directly if you so desire. Through the powerful divine guidance from Archangel Raphael, you can learn to activate and use your bodies innate ability to heal itself

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel help in enlightenment, heals every aspect of your life, unconditional forgiveness. Peace. Archangel Uriel's name means “the Light of God,” and she is often depicted with an open hand. Holding forward a flame of light that is a gift of illumination for all human souls.

The open hand of Archangel Uriel represents the openness and willingness to receive the love of God and to remain spiritually devoted. Uriel pours light upon the world illuminating humanity and helping us each along the path of enlightenment.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron looks after children, led the children of Israel out of the wilderness. Can transmute time and space. Sacred geometry. Associated with helping people connect to their own divinity.

Archangel Metatron is a divine record keeper and a powerful spiritual teacher. Often called the “Angel of Life” Metatron offers a link between Heaven and Earth and works around the clock to help those who are ready and willing, align with their highest and best possible path. Metatron can help you release what no longer serves you, so that you can tap into your inner connection with pure light.

Archangel Metatron is here to help with the ascension process because he knows the ropes and has been through it himself. He is helping us to integrate this new earth energy that is coming through.

Metatron’s name is quite unique in comparison to the other archangels. Most of the archangels have names that end in the suffix “el.” The “el” suffix means “of God.”

There’s Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Ariel, Chamuel, Zadkiel, and Raziel.

These are beings that were created as Archangels. They have always had that vibration.

Metatron is one of only two angels that ascended to that level from human form.

He’s such a unique angel because he’s lived through the human experience and ascended all the way up to archangel, which is beautiful and exciting.

Archangel Metatron is here to help with the ascension process because he knows the ropes and has been through it himself. He is helping us to integrate this new earth energy that is coming through

Preparation Ritual:

You will welcome and host the Archangels for 5 days after having prepared a little altar with:

A white flower

A candle that will stay on the entire time they are with you. It needs to be on shortly before they arrive to show them where they are being called. If needed, it can be blown out when you go out. It is to be left burning whenever you are in your home and while you sleep in a safe container.

Put in an envelope a letter with THREE Wishes: one for Mother Earth, one for your family, one for you. Formulate the wishes in a clear and concise way. Not too many details. Summarize as best you can. Each member of the household can write their own wishes down in an envelope.

On the sealed envelope, you will put an apple that you will eat only after they leave. Lay the envelope near your candle and white flower. The house must be clean and tidy much like you would do if you were about to receive guests.

Welcoming the 5 Archangels:

When they arrive in front of your home at 10:30 p.m., you are to open the front door and read this greeting:

“Hello and welcome Archangels to my home. You were sent to me from _____. ((say the name of the person who sent them to you)” I am very grateful to each of you for purifying and bringing peace to this place and to the beings that live in it. I am very grateful to you for bringing harmony, joy and serenity to all of us. I am very grateful to you for fulfilling my wishes.”


You may sit with them, pray, meditate, contemplate, ask for insight, and talk to them or whatever you desire. See below for the link of prayers meditations you can do to reach the higher states of consciousness and connect with angels for those five days. You can also continue to do these meditations to continue to build relationship with your angels and receive their daily guidance.

It is an honor and a gift to allow your family and home to be imprinted with their LIGHT, but it does ask for your personal participation. From the moment of arrival on, the Archangels make things happen. It is recommended to regard the five days as a special time to give room for the vibration of higher energies to realign many things. For some, this may mean you want to ask questions or meditate with them or it may be difficult to find more than a fleeting quiet moment in your busy day, however remember, there is no limitation, TRUST. You can also ask them to simply go with you throughout the day.

Finding the next three

Start to prepare the list of the names and addresses of the 3 or more people who you will ask the Archangels to visit next after you, along with a letter of instructions. (The number 3 is a recommendation only.) If you have trouble finding someone to pass them on to, let the person who sent them to you know, so they can help keep the energy moving to new people.

At the end of the 5th day:

When it is almost time for them to leave (just before 10:30 p.m.), write the names of each person who has asked to host them next on a piece of paper, and set it near your candle for a few minutes to soak up the light. When it feels right, walk outside with your candle, the piece of paper and express your Gratitude to the Archangels for all they have brought you. Light the paper on fire in a safe way with the candle. This will pass their names into the ethers and to the Archangels along with the addresses where the Angels will be going to next after 5 days of rest. Wish them a good trip and give more thanks and good wishes, as they journey on to spread their hope, light and love to others who will be hosting the archangels.

Once they leave:

  • Burn the envelope with your wishes in it. This frees up the energy and allows the wishes to manifest. Take the ashes and drop them in a stream of water (not stagnant water). If you live in a cold country, the kitchen sink is acceptable as the water will be recycled to Mother Earth or out into the wind. Express your gratitude.

  • Eat the apple. It will contain lots of good nutrients and more for you.

  • Place the flower outside directly on Mother Earth so that it recycles in a natural way.

  • Send this ritual to the people who will host them next if you haven’t already. (Update these dates/names for your own letter to your friends.) In the meantime, you will need to find the suggested three people or more for hosting the archangels.

To review, after leaving each home, the ANGELS will REST for five days beginning immediately after leaving the hosts home.


Having them here will help you experience peace and tranquility. They will assist you in calmly carrying out your tasks and keeping your space sacred, peaceful and loving.

Thank you for being interested in hosting the Archangels friends. If you want to share your experience, please share them in the comments below. Truly wish all your wishes get fulfilled and may you have a magical life. Love, light, and Gratitude.

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