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How to Connect with Spirit Guides?

Writer's picture: Aashita ShekharAashita Shekhar

We all have the natural ability to connect with the energies from the Spirit World, so this means that everyone can travel to it and ask the guides for spiritual enlightenment. This ability lies deep within our very own intuitive faculties. However, many people believe that communicating and working with spirit guides is something that only spiritually talented people can do. That is not the case. It is just a matter of being receptive to the idea that help, and guidance is available to us all the time. When we communicate with entities from the Spirit World, we want to be sure that the information we receive is not only accurate but is also of high quality. This simply means that we should aim to attract only the most enlightened and most reliable spirit guides, and not the lower-level entities that seek to take advantage of our vulnerability. Another thing to be considered is one’s reception to guidance. Being open to their messages will allow us to feel their love and support for us.

If you now feel ready to contact your guide, here are some of the things you can do to prepare for it:

Prepare Your Surroundings:

Set up your current environment and make it comfortable before you call out to your spirit guides. Prepare a glass of water, and dim your lights and/or close the window curtains. You may also opt to light candles or incense. Make sure that you will not be disturbed while you attempt the contact – turn off your phone and keep away other distracting objects. Wear your most comfortable clothes and take off your shoes.

Be Clear and Specific:

Just as we are selective in the company we like to keep in the Physical World, you must also be selective in the kind of energies you want to attract when you go to the Spirit World. Be firm in your desire to attract only those entities that provide love, guidance and higher spiritual perspectives. You may say, “I am now calling out to my wise and loving spirit guides to be here with me now.” It is recommended to do this supplication everyday upon waking up in the morning. When you are attempting to contact your spirit guides for help, it is also important to be very specific when you ask them for guidance. When the purpose for the communication is made clear, the spirit guide will be able to establish a connection with you more efficiently.

Meditate and Relax:

Learning to connect with spirit guides is similar to learning any Oracle. You must seriously invest the time and effort to broadly learn about the kinds of guides in which you were interested. Create a sacred space to use and try to keep to a consistent time of day to do this Connect & Receive Guidance from Spirit Guide ~ Meet Your Spirit Guide meditation

You can also set up a special place within your meditations in which you meet and greet your guides. Think of it as showing up for an important appointment each day.

Proceed with the contact slowly and don’t attempt to rush the process. Take as much time as you need and let go of all your expectations. For this to be effective, you will need to keep an open mind and be relaxed. This can be done by practicing deep breathing and meditation.

Keep a Journal:

Keep a journal to record impressions, pictures, feelings, smells, specific messages, sensations, and information of any kind that you experience in meditation. Do not analyze or judge what you get and write it down as soon as possible otherwise you may forget things the longer you wait to record it. What transpired may not make sense at first but possibly may in the future; therefore writing everything down is so important. If you ask specific questions, make sure to jot it down in your journal before you start your meditation of attempting to contact a guide.

Ask for Protection at all times

In order to drive away the lower level entities you will need to call out to a Source or what you regard as your “Higher Power” (such as God, Buddha, etc.) and ask for their protection. Their divine protection that is enveloped by love and light will keep you safe from beings that want to keep you astray.

Go through Your Mind’s Doorway

As you begin feeling calmer and more focused, you will now be able to recognize the existence of your light body. This can be easily accomplished when your body is relaxed and your mind is quiet. Now, concentrate on your internal light body – which is your spirit body. While being aware of this, look for your mind’s doorway, which may not be a literal door, and stand in front of it. Then, feel your spirit body passing through this door, and be conscious of entering the doorway into an immense and timeless space. You can now invite your spirit guides to join you and ask for their help regarding particular aspects in your life. Ask them if they have anything to tell you and be open to the signs that they will show. When you feel that your communication with them has been completed, gently express your thanks for their presence. Then, slowly return to your mind’s doorway, and gradually let your mind be conscious of your physical body once again. It will take time for you to be able to see, feel, and hear your spirit guides. What is important is that you go about this in your own comfortable pace and practice the methods that work best for you.

Signs of a Spirit Guide’s Presence and How Do Spirit Guides Help Us?

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